Friday, February 3, 2012

Preference and Perseverance

     As I mentioned in my last post, we can use plastic bottles to make synthetic polyester. Although it does take lots of energy to turn those bottles into fabric, it at least takes several bottles out of landfills and into peoples closets as useful items. In the debate over synthetic vs. natural fabrics some people have strong opinions on  which is better. I find Synthetic to be better because of recycling, animal friendly, and less polution.
     According to Sustainable Commercial Interiors, synthetic fibers actually have a cleaner production cycle than natural fibers. The dying and additives are the most harmful cycles in creating fabrics which are needed more in natural fibers than in synthetic. Synthetic being cleaner is actually an advantage over natural fibers. Synthetic fibers can be created by melting down products that already exist instead of growing new ones; this creates less waste than natural fibers. If we can continue to find ways to make synthetic materials while using less energy and creating safer environments for workers than there would be no downside to synthetic materials.
     Natural fibers still have to be processed which uses energy and is not the most animal friendly fiber. Silk is created because a moth spins a cocoon that is a silk fiber. People can either wait for the moth to emerge and get several short threads that will have to later be attached again. or they can take it with the moth inside(which kills the moth) and get a very long silk fiber. Wool is taken from sheep and other animals by shearing them. The sheep remain unharmed from this but there are several sheep at each farm and they are only there to be sheared each time they get a long enough coat. It is a sad life for these animals and all just to get fibers to be sold to manufacturers. It is also creating more and more things to be consumed and is not really promoting using things that already exist to create more things. They also need lots of cleaning and maintenance to be converted into fabric and create water pollution hazards.
     After doing this research I have decided that I am more in favor of synthetic fibers over natural fibers because synthetic fibers do not take much more energy to turn into fabric and do not hurt animals to make. They also can be created using products sitting in landfills and is basically a form of recycling. Natural fibers are good in some forms, but getting silk and wool hurt moths and means that some sheep are only kept because of their wool. It also results in the tearing down of trees to make things. If we could find a way to create fibers while using less energy than they would definitely be the superior fiber. The only advantage that natural fibers have over synthetic is that they are biodegradable, but synthetic are usually recyclable which gives natural fibers less of an advantage.


  1. Laura, I really admire your enthusiasm for synthetic fibers. It makes me all the more on your side about them. You give us the pros and cons of each fiber type, natural and synthetic. Thank you for sharing with us the needed compassion for animals who die at the hand of consumers.

    1. Thank you, I am glad that I can also feel empathy for the animals. I tried to stick to the material in the reading but kept on having things to say that I already knew about that related to the subject matter.

  2. Hey,

    I like that you related your post to your previous post, that makes a great connection to the reader. You did a great job of explaining the two different fibers and what all goes into their production. The only problem I have is that the wording gets a little confusing in some places, especially in the paragraph talking about animal cruelty.

    1. I am glad that you liked how I related this post to my last one. I really need to work on explaining myself thoroughly. I have lots I want to say and lots of ideas but I have trouble expressing myself to the full potential of my thoughts. This is not the only time this has happened and I will definitely continue to work on it.
