Friday, January 27, 2012

Where Fashion Ends Up

Did you know that you can make clothes out of plastic bottles. Who would think that something hard and sharp when cut could be turned into something comfortable. Eco-fi is a company that takes old plastic bottles and turns them into soft synthetic yarns and fabrics. They start buy breaking up they bottles into tiny flakes and then heat it into a liquid and then turn it into yarn. I thought this was a very interesting way to use old plastic bottles to create a useful product.(

There are other companies that are also trying hard to help the environment while still making apparel and fashion accessories.  Marks and Spencer, a large retailer in the UK, has started practicing sustainable alternatives to try and off balance the high consumption hurting the environment. They are also making conditions safer for their workers and more humane for animals. They are also trying to encourage their customers to only wash loads of laundry when the load is full. I think that this company is trying to successfully improve the quality of life for everyone. However, I also feel that one company doing this is not going to help the environment very much; it is a start though. I think that if one company starts this than that will lead to more companies trying to implement these policies as well. The more companies that try these things I think will significantly help the environment and a lot more people would be happier and safer because of it.

If more companies and people feel the need to do their part to help the planet than I think we can make an impact on the damage that has been done. If people continue to keep consuming without worrying about the consequences than I think that we might end up with a lot more landfills. Landfills filled with belongings that someone else might have wanted, and clothes that someone else could have worn.

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