Friday, January 20, 2012

The Big Picture: what can be done to save the future

Do you ever like to think about childhood memories? There are times when I think back to when I was a child and going to the zoo and seeing Polar Bears. Also about seeing all the beautiful pictures of glaciers and ice. It makes me sad to think that possibly my children and most likely my grandchildren will not get to experience these things that seem so common to us now. The children of the future will only know stories and pictures of things we thought would always be here. Polar Bears will be to them what Woolly Mammoths are to us...A thing of our ancestors and a thing of the past.
I knew that things in the ecosystems had changed rapidly in recent years but I had no idea how fast until I read Ecosystems and Human Well-Being by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The destruction didn't become so rapid until around the 1950's and has only increased since. I had never before heard that converting land into cropland was a problem; also, that rivers and dams are now holding 3 to 6 times as much water as before. The MA says that it is likely for damages to increase even more rapidly in the next fifty tears as well.
A book, titled A New Green History of the World, has a chapter about Easter Island that also fits into this subject. A small Isolated tribe used everything they could find in their small surrounding to survive. They eventually used everything until they had to resort to cannibalism just to survive. It would take several centuries for humans to do this to the world, but our ridiculous amount of consumption could leave us in the same boat eventually unless we all attempt to reverse the damage that we have caused.
I believe that the time has come and gone to save the Polar Bears, but I do believe we have time to save the planet if we can work together as a society to reverse the damage humans have caused to the planet. According to global there are 20 things that we can do to reduce bad effects of global warming. I wont list all of them but I will list the ones that are easiest for everyone to do. We can drive less and carpool when possible, use nontoxic cleaning supplies, decrease air travel, consider buying an electric or hybrid vehicle, buy energy efficient light bulbs like CFLs or LEDs, choose energy efficient appliances, plant a tree, unplug electronics when they aren't being used, and cut out buying heavily packaged items to decrease garbage. Even if we can't reverse the effects of global warming I believe that if everyone can at least reduce a few of these things during their week then we can preserve what we have now and not loose anything else that seems everyday to us now.


  1. Hi, Laura;
    I love your intro! It made me want to keep reading. Very conversational! Your blog is well done. And, the outside source you've used is great and provides really practical ideas of what we CAN do. Nice!

  2. Laura,

    I LOVE that you included the list of things that people can do to help reduce their impact on the environment. I think that this is important for everyone to see! It would be interesting to see what other information the website provided. You did a great job of including the reading material into your blog, especially the information from the Millennium Assessment. I agree with Dr. Armstrong on the way you write your blog. It makes it very easy to understand your point of view and the information discussed. Though, as a suggestion, I would make sure you watch your sentence structure because I noticed a few incomplete sentences. Other than that, you did a great job.

  3. Laura, I agree with Dr. Armstrong and Kelsey too. Your introduction tugged on my heart. It made me think of those things dear to my childhood and how things existing now, may not be here later in life. You gave me a sense of compassion for innocent animals affected by mankind global destruction. Your statement about the amount of water dams now hold made me visualize what that difference looks like. Try to be more careful about your sentence format.
