Friday, April 13, 2012

In the Design Activism reading, there was a big focus on consuming less and trying to find a better way of living through less consumption. This made me think about how We could use parts wasted to make something people will want. This triggered my design concept, my concept is for a new startup company or manufacturers to take leftover or scrap pieces of fabrics and make decorations out of them. On HGTV I saw a lady frame some funky patterned fabric to make a cheap decoration for the walls. I have noticed in many furniture stores lately that a very trendy furniture style is to get a neutral colored sofa and pair it with a funky side chair. Many furniture stores also sell accessories to go with the furniture. If a manufacturer could take the leftover fabric used to make the chair and use it in a framed decoration or other piece, that would reduce thrown away scraps of material. If there are smaller pieces then the person creating the artwork could sew together the smaller scraps.

The most important thing I learned in this class is that synthetic fibers are actually better than natural ones in most ways. That will make me use these materials more often in my designs and when shopping. What I wish I had learned in this class was more ways that Interior products could be reused. I felt this course was mainly apparel focused and it would have been nice to see simplistic examples. I would also like to learn more about how governments regulate companies on environmental wastes. I know that Germany is pretty green focused and I think that would have been something interesting to learn more about


  1. Laura,

    I think you have the beginning of a very good idea and a great way to reuse leftover fabrics, but I think you need to go more into detail about what exactly your idea is. What kind of accessories can you make from the left over material? How is this preventing over consumption?

  2. Other than framed fabrics in patterns you can cover cardboard with fabric and insert it into the back of bookcases to give more of a fun look to open spaces. I also heard of one girl making teddy bears out of leftover fabric from her apparel. This prevents over consumption because if something is being sold that matches decorations or upholstery that you already have then they aren't going off to buy more things other places that have leftover fabric being thrown away. This concept mainly just takes wasted materials out of the trash and puts it into a better use.

    1. Thank you for clarifying. I really like the idea of using fabric to make teddy bears!

  3. Hey Laura,
    Your idea is a really great one! Scraps need to be used to create value, not just thrown out. HGTV always has great design/decorating ideas for the home. The trend of using leftover or scraps of fabric seems to be hot right now, I wonder if this will lead to patchwork becoming more popular in fashions and interior designs. It'll be interesting to see!
